“The two processes, that of Science and that of Art are not very different, both Science and Art, form in the course of centuries, a human language, by which we can speak about the more real part of reality.” - Warner Heisenberg
Physics is a branch of science that is devoted to the study of nature and natural phenomena. Presidium reaffirms the belief that practical education boosts a student's self-esteem, knowledge, and skills (both educationally and on the outside world), and enhances their transition into working life. Physics that gives exposure to natural phenomena like reflection, refractions, scattering of light and involves study instruments like microscopes, telescopes, etc. is known as Optics. This activity provides a better understanding of the concept of the reflection of light through spherical mirrors. This activity enables students to find the position of a focal point of a concave mirror. The ultimate goal of the activity was to develop creativity, conceptual understanding, and analytical skills in students. Virtual labs (Olabs) and videos assist students in doing the activity at home with safety.